Introduction to the Work

Breath, Voice, Presence

If you have not yet started Patsy’s work and want to gain an insight into her teaching, this introductory workshop is the perfect place to start.

Working in a small group of no more than ten participants, you will be introduced to the exercises which Patsy uses to underpin all of her work. You will be lead through a series of exercises as a group in body, breath, voice and presence to deep your personal impact after which you will speak a piece of poetry of your choice for the group.

Paula Paula Stephens P.R.A. teaches this introductory class, which lasts for three hours online. She will work with you as an ensemble and individually in front of the group, and give a diagnosis personal to you.

By the end of the workshop you will understand the importance of, and be able to put into practice, the tools of breath and voice to deepen your personal impact. You should prepare your piece of chosen poetry and learn it by heart, if not work it well. It will be useful, before starting the class, if you have read Patsy’s book Presence as this will give a solid platform for the work.

The experience gained during this course will be the platform to continue to the Discovering Presence and Voice workshop, which is the first full course in the Academy syllabus.

This format replaces the previous online class with Patsy.

Duration: 3 hours

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There are no scheduled dates for this workshop at this time. Stay tuned …

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