The work in Discovering Presence and Voice moves into Delivering Shakespeare. This workshop is critical for any actor who wants to do Shakespeare but is equally critical for anyone who wants to extend their Presence and voice, to work at telling important stories and to deliver formal presentations. All these activities require deep knowledge of structure, form, language and image.

You will learn to speak Shakespeare, recognizing the enormous demands a great text requires on your voice, speech muscles, and presence. We will work on Shakespearean forms and learn how to be in the moment and trust the text, imaginatively connecting to every image and idea. You will extend your vocal ability and range; have greater control of Presence in your leadership; understand structure, pace and rhythm and the power of poetic language; hold and build arguments; use words and stories to change yourself and others.

Come prepared with a complete verse monologue of Shakespeare. Prepare a structured verse; know it by heart, or if not, then well worked.

Duration: 3 days

Prerequisite: This course is open to those who have completed Discovering Presence and Voice.

Terms and Conditions
In partnership with JY Productions, Ltd

Upcoming Dates

13 Sep - 15 Sep, 2024

Where: Portugal

Additional information: Please prepare for this class by reading Patsy’s books Speaking Shakespeare and The Need for Words

Price : 1450 $


Please fill out the form and we’ll respond with your registration confirmation and payment information.

Have you worked with Patsy before?

Location of last time worked with Patsy

Are you a professional actor?

If you have not worked with Patsy before, please let us know how you heard of her and what you hope to accomplish in working with her. Please also provide any of the following that you have: CV or resume, link to website or showreel, etc.

31 Oct - 2 Nov, 2024

Where: London

Price : 1200 £ VAT included


Please fill out the form and we’ll respond with your registration confirmation and payment information.

Have you worked with Patsy before?

Location of last time worked with Patsy

Are you a professional actor?

If you have not worked with Patsy before, please let us know how you heard of her and what you hope to accomplish in working with her. Please also provide any of the following that you have: CV or resume, link to website or showreel, etc.

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